South Africa

Experience the untamed beauty of Africa!

Experience the wild beauty of Africa

Intro to Uganda

„Die Perle Afrikas“ – Erleben Sie das Land der reichen Landschaften: mächtige Vulkane, größte Seen der Erde, Regenwälder, endlose Savannen, weite Tee- und Bananenplantagen und einzigartige Tierwelt machen Uganda beeindruckend schön. In Murchison Nationalpark kommen Sie auf dem breiten Nil ganz nah an den tosenden Wasserfall heran. In Nationalparks Ugandas leben Elefanten, Löwen und Leoparden, in den Gewässern schniefen Nilpferde und liegen Krokodile auf der Lauer. Vor allem aber Auf Verwandtenbesuch bei Gorillas und Schimpansen macht eine Reise nach Uganda so außergewöhnlich und unvergesslich. Bei einer Bootsfahrt auf dem Nil zu den Murchison-Wasserfällen, während des Schimpansen Trackings im Kibale Forest Nationalpark, auf den Spuren der Gorillas in Bwindi, auf dem Kazinga Kanal, bei den Schlummernden Löwen auf Ästen im Queen Elisabeth Nationalpark und bei einer Fußpirsch im Lake Mburo Nationalpark wird Ihnen eine Reise nach Uganda immer in Erinnerung bleiben.

Geographical location

Uganda is located in eastern Africa and borders Sudan to the north, Kenya to the east, Lake Victoria to the southeast, Tanzania and Rwanda to the south, and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west. The capital city of Kampala, which has a population of around 1.5 million, is located in the southern part of the country on the shores of Lake Victoria. The most important river in Uganda is the White Nile, which flows through a large part of the country. The landscape is characterized above all by the large number of tropical forests, the terraced hills of Kigezi, and the tea plantations on the slopes of the Ruwenzori Mountains, whose peaks can occasionally be covered in snow.


The national currency is the Uganda shilling. One Uganda shilling is divided into 100 cents. You can find an exchange rate calculator with current exchange rates for all currencies here. It is advisable to exchange money locally, as Uganda shillings are not available in Germany. Euros and US dollars can be exchanged at banks in the larger cities or at exchange offices.


The official languages ​​in Uganda are English and Kiswahili. Ganda or Luganda is also widely spoken. Numerous Bantu languages ​​and tribal dialects such as Buganda, Banyoro and Western and Eastern Nilotic languages ​​are also spoken. As a traveler, however, you can get by very well with English in most parts of the country.


In Uganda, most of the population are Christians (around 65 percent). Around 16 percent are Muslims and more than 18 percent of the population are followers of indigenous religions.

Power supply

In Uganda, the voltage is 220 - 240 volts, so European devices can be used. A three-pin adapter (English model) is required for the sockets.

Entry requirements for Uganda / Rwanda

Uganda: All citizens must register online before entering the country if they cannot present their visa upon entry. Registration can be done here: The cost is (US$ 50.00 – Note: there is usually no change, so it is best to have the exact amount ready to avoid long waiting times).

Ruanda: Since January 2019, German citizens can again obtain a visa for Rwanda directly at the border. Citizens from Austria and Switzerland must register online before entering the country if they cannot present their visa upon entry. Registration can be done here: German citizens pay US$ 30.00. Austrians and Swiss citizens pay US$ 50.00.

Important information: If you are travelling to both Uganda and Rwanda, it is worth getting a visa for East Africa straight away. This costs US$ 100.00 and is valid for 90 days for Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya.

***Visa information current at the time of quotation (May 2019). Costs are subject to change at any time.

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